Pension Choices Meeting for Rijn- en binnenvaart
Your pension is changing and, for the first time, it will actually be your own personal pension. In the past, Stichting Pensioenfonds voor de Rijn- en Binnenvaart did not offer individual choices to you as an employee. The new pension scheme puts you fully in control and lets you make choices that ultimately affect your pension situation. So whether you’ve just started working, are in the middle of your career or are approaching the end of your working life, the Pension Choices Meeting helps you make the right choices for your situation.
Book an appointment immediately with the button below, or read on first to find out what you can expect and how to prepare for the meeting.
Request your Pension Choices Meeting
The Pension Choices Meeting helps you
- identify all the components that make up your retirement income (including benefits from Pensioenfonds voor de Rijn- en Binnenvaart and any other employers);
- understand the impact of different income scenarios: work, illness/incapacity for work, retirement and death
- understand the implications of choices that you can make under the pension scheme: saving for extra pension, additional cover for surviving dependants, ANW cover, investment choices;
- the choice of saving more for your pension and its consequences;
- your options for making smart use of any compensation owing to you.
What does the Pension Choices Meeting involve?
The Pension Choices Meeting with an adviser from Ecclesia lasts 75 minutes. In addition, you get 6 months of access to your Personal Annual Report Online, an online dashboard where you can view personal pension information for you and your partner if you have one. Your adviser uses your Personal Annual Report Online to discuss scenarios and provide information. Your partner is also more than welcome to sit in on the meeting.
Your privacy is guaranteed
Although the interview is offered to you by your employer, your information will not be shared with your employer. After the interview, you will receive a report that provides tips and highlights aspects for you to consider.
What do I need for the meeting?
Make sure that you have your and your partner’s DigiD login details to hand. During the meeting, you will need to log into via DigiD to retrieve the correct pension data. Your adviser will help you with this. You also need to have information about the compensation scheme to hand (if applicable). The adviser will then be able to give you specific tips and recommendations.